Nishant Rajadhyaksha


Hey there 👋. I am an undergraduate researcher pursuing a B.Tech Degree in Computer Engineering from K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai.

My research interest lies in the field of deep probablistic generative modelling and its applications in computer vision. I am also interested in learning about geometric data processing and using geometric objects to enhance generative models.


Dec 3, 2023 Started Working as a research intern at the BRAIN lab at IIT Hyderabad under the mentorship of Dr. P.K. Srijith 😁.
Sep 1, 2023 Finished my time as a visiting researcher at Richardson Labs. I had a great time working with Dr. Katherin Tryshkin and Dr. Neil Renwick 😁.
Jul 29, 2023 My work done at Basira Labs was accepted as a MICCAI workshop paper at the PRIME workshop. 😊
Jun 5, 2023 Started working at Richardson Laboratory at Queens University as part of the MITACS Globalink scholarship under the supervision of Dr. Katherin Tryshkin and Dr. Neil Renwick.
Jun 1, 2023 Finished my work as a research intern at Basira labs with a MICCAI workshop pubication in the works 😄.

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